Thursday, April 11, 2013


The greatest obstacle to our destiny is, somewhat surprisingly, the algae island.

No, I'm not talking about any simple physical pleasure or worldly treasure. But, when our burden weighs a ton and travel becomes a curse, we may find ourselves easily satisfied in a place where we could lay down our load and rest from the voyage - be it an island of no root.

But, as Yann Martel pointed out, this island is dangerous. When we sleep comfortably on the algae bed, our soul will be trapped and digested to the bone. To arrive at the true heaven, we must not settle with a transient relief.

For these reasons, I have a strong belief that the two Japanese investigators are putting their cart in front of the horse. It doesn't really matter what triggers the journey, and there is little point to determine which version of the story was the genuine happening. If you read the Holy Bible, you want it to lead you to salvation, and not an anatomical discussion on how nailing on the cross could lead to death.

I read too much Kafka, I know.

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