Friday, April 12, 2013


While I was convinced I read too much Kafka, our morning paper reported that twenty missing letters by the giant of Czech literature are newly discovered.

I shall not repeat the story of how these letters re-appeared to the world. (Interested readers may like to refer to Yes, it is probably a hoax for the All Fool's Day. Nonetheless, I was happily deceived, and I actually searched in the Internet that evening - trying to see if I could buy that mysterious book anywhere, no different from that fictitious little girl whom the dying writer met in the park and was cheered up by a series of fake letters.

Or, as Kafka said himself, Die Lüge ist für die Ordnung der Welt. (The lie is made for the world order.)

PS. Talking about those missing letters by Kafka, I must say the only constructive thing that Gestapo ever did was probably stealing most the ones from Dora Diamant's apartment.

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