Thursday, April 4, 2013


LP hesitated for a while and said, "Two aspects. To begin with, just to satisfy my curiosity, can you compare the two anonymous complaints and determine if they come from the same person?"

"Oh...!" I exclaimed. The request was entirely logical but very much unexpected.

After considering for a while, I cleared my throat and answered, "From what I could see, they seem to be coming from different persons."


I continued to play Sherlock Holmes, "It goes like this: Not only are they coming from two email addresses, the style of writing, and how the student called himself are all different. More importantly, their recipient lists are entirely different - the previous one was directed to a few colleagues who are involved in the organization of final year teaching, while this one goes straight to the top members of the faculty." (I was about to say that's why JW should be disappointed - because the tendency of making anonymous complaint is not an isolated incident.)

"I see," LP said, seemed to be satisfied with my deduction.

"So, what is the second reason of coming to me?"

"Em... I wish to seek your opinion on this," LP murmured, "In half an hour time it would be the medical grand round and all students will be together. Should I apologize to the class?"

"What!?" I could not believe my ears.

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