Saturday, April 27, 2013


(The letter from the First Lady continued.)

My friend, Barack is the most hard working person that I have ever heard of. He works relentlessly in his career to take care of his own people, write influential papers, secure party donations, and build up international connections. A few years ago, when Barack was the governor of Texas, there was one occasion when he had intense back pain for a prolapse disc, and he couldn't even move, but, since he accepted to give an important speech in a global summit, he begged our son and myself to wheel him to the airport and catch the flight. Why did he have to do all this? It's all for the benefit of Texas and the whole America, to consolidate our position in the world stage as an influential country, or, really, the only superpower.

And, now, look, how do the Texas people treat him? What does he do wrong? Yes, he holds most of the resource and is demanding to the others, but that's all for making things work and for a better development of the others. It is all his work so that A is now the mayor of St. Antonio, B the chief attorney of Dallas, C the mayor of Houston, and so on. And, now, what do these people do in return?

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