Thursday, September 19, 2013


I must say I was surprised, "What poem did you choose?"

"Em... We picked Chang'e (常娥) of Li Shangyin (李商隱)," my friend said slowly.

"雲母屏風燭影深,長河漸落曉星沈。嫦娥應悔偷靈藥,碧海青天夜夜心。" I murmured, "It is really a good choice. Short, simple, and very famous!"

WY nodded and blushed a little, "That's all the reason."

"Alas, although I am a fan of Li Shangyin, I must say the first piece that comes to my mind is by Nalan Xingde (納蘭性德): 辛苦最憐天上月,一昔如環,昔昔都成玦。若似月輪終皎潔,不辭冰雪為卿熱..."

That's Butterfly in Love with Flowers (蝶戀花).

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

PS. Although Li's poem is about Chang-O (嫦娥), the formal Chinese title is Chang'e (常娥). In the Tang Dynasty, many similar words were used interchangeably - it was an era of flexibility and receptiveness.

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