Saturday, September 21, 2013


(Our corridor discussion went on.)

"Szeto, I suppose that's not all the qualifications and positions you hold?"

"Em... maybe, but no big deal...." I murmured and went on to say to myself, "Why do we have to tell a new acquaintance every minor detail of ourselves? We judge a person by what he does and how he behaves, less to what he says, and certainly not what he claims to be on his name card. I hope the others also judge me by the same criteria. If they are more interested in what's printed on my card, I don't give a damn."

For obvious reasons I kept this argument to myself, and I told my friend, "You know, I just follow the traditional way of description. For example, if we got an MD, there is no need to write MBChB - or MBBS. Similarly, there is no point to mention MRCP(UK) if you have FRCP(Edin). Yes, many local authorities insist that we should put our first medical degree - that is, MBBS or MBChB - at the beginning of our list of qualification, but I consider it an unfortunate and silly requirement."

You won't ask the sex and age of menopause for a patient in the obstetric ward, will you?

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