Friday, September 6, 2013


F feels the tinge of disapproval from the reply of his new acquaintance. His sense of pride forces him to blush a little, and, then, he shakes his head, "My friend, you have no dream."

The aborigine considers this remark for a while before he replies, "Maybe you are right. All I concern is how to stay on this island and pass the days. I worry about where to fish, how much wood to gather for a fire over night, and things like that. North Pole seems so far away and has little to do with me."

K pauses for a moment. Seeing that the adventurer says nothing, K goes on, "Honestly I'm not sure I need a dream. Yes, my life is nothing more than fulfilling my animal need, but is it worse than pursuing a distant goal, so as to satisfy one's own pride - or, whatever psychological need you like?"

The adventurer doesn't answer. To him, as things are looked at another angle, the difference is just too obvious.

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