Friday, September 13, 2013


I must say I was probably slight harsh to that unfortunate student. Nonetheless, I am still convinced that very last comment of mine remains valid.

And a old saying suddenly come up to my mind:

  • The one who does not learn after committing the same mistake repeatedly is an idiot (蠢才).
  • The one who only learns after committing the same mistake repeatedly is a mediocre (庸才).
  • The one who learns after committing the mistake once is average (中才).
  • The one who learns after seeing the others making a mistake is clever (聰明).
  • The one who could foresee and avoid a mistake although no one has ever fallen into that trouble is a genius (天才).

By the way, the traditional meaning of being clever (聰明) in Chinese is the ability to stay alert and look around - so that one could learn from the others.

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