Thursday, September 5, 2013


For a moment K thinks he must have misheard what his new acquaintance says.

"N... North Pole? That's far away!"

"Very much so," F nods, "But this is my ultimate goal. You know, North Pole is the dream of every adventurer!"

K wants to say he doesn't know, but his prefers to be polite, "How admirable. May I ask, sir, how can you get there - I mean, how do you know the way?"

"What a question! Look up. There..." F points to somewhere on the sky, "We call that Polaris. It shows us the direction. If you follow it all the time, it will guide you to the North Pole eventually."

"Em... sir, I know what Polaris means. May I say there is a small problem with your plan: If you follow this infallible star from here, you will find yourself in the deep water outside the beach!"

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