Saturday, September 7, 2013


While the adventurer and the aborigine on the island are exchanging their opinion on a distant dream, a low pitch hissing comes from the coast.

The two men turn to the noise. A canoe is approaching.

K rubs his eyes, in an attempt to see a bit more clearly in the starlight. There is a man on the little boat. Alas, K recognizes the face. It belongs to L, a young man who lives on another small island near by. K knows L for some time as they occasionally meet while both are fishing outside the shore.

"Hello!" K waves to the approaching rower, "Long time no see! What brings you here at this time of the day?"

"Nice to see you, my friend," L smiled, "It's good luck I could say goodbye to you. You know, I'm setting off to continue with my journey to the North Pole."

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