Saturday, September 28, 2013


To the surprise of K, the chef sounded confused, "Is that the case? So...?"

"Oh, no big deal. I just think a ramen shop of such an outstanding quality should receive an appropriate recognition. Em... let me introduce myself. I am K. Yes, the food critic. If you may allow, I can give you some little suggestions so that you could get a higher rank in the Tire-Man Guide."

"Yes...?" The chef said. He did not appear interested, but, rather, he just didn't want to prohibit his guest from speaking.

K moved closer to the chef, "My friend, to begin with, you must understand the rule of the game. The ranking of a restaurant in the Guide does not only - and, to a large extend, does not at all - depend on the quality of the food being served. It is, on the other hand, a voting system. The editor of the guide seeks the opinion from one thousand food critics around the world and asks each and every one of them whether they think a restaurant is good or not in their own perspective."

The chef nodded - or, was he dozing off?

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