Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Although VW and I did have a discussion in length on many topics, there is one single comment that I did not have the courage to tell him directly:

What a pity to cease posting his opinion every week.

(The last one appeared by the end of August. See http://vwswong.blogspot.hk/2013/08/talk.html)

Well, yes, I know the reason. But it's a pity all the same.

And, seriously, I thought of stop writing a handful of times. I have my own diary in hard copy. There is no need to worry I forget good things happening on me. But, blog post is different. To begin with, it was a challenge to my own self. (See http://ccszeto.blogspot.hk/2008/12/anniversary.html) But, now, this place has become a window that I could yell and communicate with the rest of the world.

I had the déjà vu feeling of Gregor Samsa.

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