Saturday, October 19, 2013


Seeing that the nursing officer is at a lost, the consultant explains, "You know, the sequence of the story actually goes like this: Imagine a clinical team has an experience staff, nurse or medical officer, with little hope of promotion. As a result, their team head puts up a new program and bids for an extra budget from the headquarters, which includes setting up a new senior post for promotion - obviously an internal one."

"Alas..." the nursing officer is speechless.

"Yes, a simple and primitive reason," the consultant goes on, "But a program is a program. You need to show that you have done something - or, in the jargon of extraterrestrials, you need some deliverable. For that reason, they are mad for referrals from the beginning, with the aim to build up the number. However, after a year or two, when the new senior post has become a regular one, the enthusiasm - or, in reality, the pressure to justify their existence - disappears, everything is back to square one."

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