Monday, October 7, 2013


Recently, I received from someone I don't know a comment to one of my blog entries. Simple as it first seems, the story is not without interesting points.

Let me show you our communication verbatim.

Dear Prof.Szeto

So sorry to bother you.
I read your draft published in the section of specialty on ccszetogroup
(https://XXX )

Wow,I think it's brilliant notes for medical students and doctors,but I'm so depressed to find that many chapters were lost .

So I just wonder will you finish the notes in one day ?

Looking forwards to " CC Szeto notes" !!!

Best regards


The notes that she refers to are a collection of my own reading notes that I compiled every now and then over the years. They are primarily for my personal reference and not meant to be complete. Nonetheless, I put them, along with my lecture PowerPoint, on a web page that I rent from Google, so that students could download if they like. The problem is I did not update my web page for some years, and my new PowerPoint slides are now on our faculty website.

(To be continued.)

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