Thursday, October 10, 2013


I tried to consider what information I had in hand.

To begin with, I am fairly certain that this is a girl. The name is feminine, and the wordings used are somewhat dainty. If the number 1992 is not the year of graduation (which I didn't expect so anyway), it should be her year of birth. In that case she should be a third year medical student.

And, if she does not come from my university, it seems most likely she is from our sister medical school across the harbour. Discerning visitors may notice the way that she uses comma and fullstops suggests an elementary education in mainland China. However, residents north to Shenzhen River should not have regular access to Google personal pages.

Other than these, I know practically nothing. Her name does not appear in Facebook. I click on the hyperlink of the sender. It leads to a Google+ site with the name and a photo. There's no other personal detail. As a last attempt, I try searching her picture from the Internet.

To my surprise, there is a number of matched results - mostly from on-line discussion forum of mainland China on pretty school girls.

1 comment:

TW said...

"Dear professor ,will you publish this notes in one day ? I must be the first one to buy it ."
Very "mainlander-way" to settle thing, they believe they can get anything with money, including babies, eyeballs etc, and they will never feel embarrassing to say it out.