Saturday, October 26, 2013


When the dinner was over and the two were sipping their coffee, the hostess decided to start the conversation.

"James, we have a problem here. They are going to take over our place and lock us up!"

"Yes..." The doctor murmured.

"Come on! Say something. What shall we do?"

"What else could you do other than complying with the Gestapo?"

"But what would I become if they show that Satan is hiding in my body?"

"Isn't that the case? Oh, but no, they won't."

"How could you be so sure?"

"Because there is no test insurmountable. Say, in this case, if they want to test whether a hair from your private part would sink in the water, you can always make sure the hair is well greased before testing." The doctor said with a wicked smile.

"Alas, that's deception!"

"May be, or may not," the doctor was not moved, "You know, to treat a square, we use rules. For crooks, we have to cut corners."

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