Friday, August 1, 2014


In the next morning, I went to the local public library after finishing with my morning round and paper work. It was time to borrow some new books for my princesses.

When I was about to leave, a tiny beep came up from my mobile phone.

A message from my wife via WhatsApp: What do you think of a yearly return of 6%?

In no time I knew where she was, and I replied: Risk?

(Our on-line discussion quickly followed, which I summarized here.)

V (Vivian): No, $XXX per month for 10 years, like life insurance, can take away at 5 years after complete payment.
S (Szeto): There is nothing without risk. What kind of investment is it?
V: Like club deposit (零存整付). By XX Bank Insurance.
S: Then what is insured? How is that 6% calculated?
V: Maybe you come here for detail. Where are you?
S: In the library. You said last night you will get the information and walk away.
V: Guarantee return 2%, extra-dividend (紅利) 4%, the lowest extra-dividend is around 4% during the poorest economy.
S: It’s your money. I think I have expressed my opinion clear enough.

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