Saturday, November 1, 2014


Another major argument for supporting the umbrella movement is the remarkable government and CE we have. Many public policies are unjust and obviously skewed towards the rich and powerful people, and we must stand up and voice out our concern.

I have little doubt about the above phenomenon. However, to go from this statement to supporting the yellow side, there are, theoretically, two possible links:
  1. We use the umbrella movement itself to reflect our sentiment and frustration; or
  2. we think a truly democratic system is the effective means to achieve a just and harmonious society, and the umbrella movement quests for democracy.
The first link is, unfortunately, a straw man. The movement aims at and originates from the method of nomination and election of our CE in the future. It is not meant for expressing our dissatisfaction with our government - an aim that we have many other ways to achieve.

For example, the regular parade on every First of July.

I shall put the second link aside for the time being.

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