Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Once you recognize universal suffrage does not necessarily require civil nomination, the immediate question that you face is: What is mean by a genuine universal suffrage?

(In other words, for those who put up those attractive banners on Lion Rock or our student hostel, do you know what you are asking for?)

You may say my question is silly. You may not be able to give a cut-and-dry answer in words, but, when you see a system, you could immediately tell whether it is genuine or not.

But, deep in your mind there is probably a presumption: Asking for something genuine from a strong country is no different from asking a habitual liar to tell you the truth: I could tell you are lying because your lips are moving.

As a result, no proposal from the other side is going to be acceptable because, by definition, what they say – or what they could agree upon – is not genuine. Any mutual agreement is, therefore, logically impossible.

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