Wednesday, November 12, 2014


While I was considering the reasons for and against the umbrella movement, a hot debate came up in the Hong Kong Medical Association.

I don’t think I need to elaborate on what happened. Vivian was obviously not happy with the decision by the Association.

“Why don’t they even have the guts to go for a referendum within the Association to see the majority of our opinion?” She grumbled.

“My dear, in this occasion I could see the frustration of Dr Shih,” I shook my head, “What’s the point of a referendum? If 51% of the doctors support the yellow side and 49% the blue, would the latter ones accept the result and support a unified decision of the Association to support the umbrella movement? Impossible. Same thing if the poll result is the other way round. All that a referendum would show is our opinions are splitted – and so is the medical profession!”

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