Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I looked around. There was a young woman in uniform standing next to the counter. But, rather than observing her duty as a storekeeper, she was all practising calligraphy.

I tried and cleared my throat to catch her attention.

In no time, her business soul came back. She put up a polite smile and said, "Oh, pardon me. Yes, you pay here. Give the books to me. By the way, would you fancy writing something here?"

She pointed to the gigantic sheet of papyrus that she was working at.

"Oh, my," I returned an embarrassing smile, "My calligraphic skill is abysmal."

"Come on! No harm trying." Her voice was more inviting than ever while giving me the receipt.

It was 6th June and certainly a bit late. Nonetheless, I could not resist the temptation and took up the writing brush.

Here is what I wrote:

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