Monday, June 17, 2013


I end up downloading journal articles that I want to read as PDF file to my Google Drive.

The advantage is obvious. I have all files synchronized between the desktop computer of my office (where I download the papers) and my mobile phone (where I read those papers on my way to work). I can also bring whatever I need to read at home to my laptop via a finger disk. True, reading PDF on a mobile phone could hardly be called comfortable, but I save the trouble of carrying another electronic device for reading and nothing else. After all, I am trying to move much of the journal reading back to my computers.

And, there are more on the positive side. Papers are now showing up with colour and figures are easy to follow. I can highlight important points and pick interesting parts - or the whole article if I prefer - to Evernote for permanent storage and easy reference.

But, of course, most of the things that I read, however, are moved to trash that and there.

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