Saturday, June 29, 2013


This very woman obviously did not sense my tone of disagreement and went on with her speech.

"You know, it is an old traditional Chinese remedy - but a very simple one too. All you need is 1 tael of fresh red pepper seed, 2 taels of chicken oil, 3 taels of meshed pumpkin, and 4 taels of steamed gelatinous rice, thoroughly mixed and to be taken twice a day. Other than that, you can take whatever you like. No dietary restriction what-so-ever, and it cures 90% of all kidney diseases. Isn't it fantastic?"

I tried my best not to laugh aloud, wondering what appetite is left for the patient after taking such a splendid feast of medicine. However, I would like to pretend to be nice, "Em... madam, isn't this remedy too simple?"

"Doctor, you are pulling my leg. But I am serious. First, not every chicken is suitable for making the oil. It must be free range ones (走地雞) that never receive artificial feed, antibiotics, and hormones. Similarly, we can only use pumpkins from organic farms. Any trace of chemical fertilizer or insecticide is not acceptable."

"That seems more complicated. Although an easy remedy it first seems, there is a quota of live chicken for the Hong Kong market, and pumpkin from an organic farm is not easily available. How many patients could actually be treated with this remedy?" I continued with a polite smile.

On my way home after the seminar, I was confused.

No, it's not about traditional and alternative medicine. My mind was absorbed in a more profound question:

Should I shut her up?

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