Sunday, June 30, 2013


I must say in spite of my disapproving attitude, I didn't really stop that woman to talk about her alternative regimen. My logical mind says that I shouldn't do that - for freedom of speech is a human right, and, as Voltaire said, although I do not agree with what she says, I shall defend to death her right to say so.

But, am I doing my duty (of protecting other patients' welfare) if I allow that woman to disseminate wrong information on a potentially harmful treatment?

If you become slightly uncertain, let's go one step forward: What if this woman is the owner of a large company involved in the trading of free-range chicken and pumpkin from organic farms?

PS. As a believer of David Hume (that's a self-contradicting term, I know), I also doubt my own ground: Am I all certain that I know the best treatment and what that woman said is a total rubbish?

I always worry I may have unknowingly taken the apple from the Tree of Justice in Eden.

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