Friday, June 14, 2013


Besides the Masquerade Hotel, another recent leisure reading of mine is Il Suggeritore (惡魔呢喃而來) by Donato Carrisi.

I borrow it from my friend AL, and I must say it is not the usual kind of book that I read. The plot is a variant of, once again, Agatha Christie's Curtain, but the layout is kind of a quasi mosaic of thriller and detective fiction. The golden rules of S.S. van Dine are deliberately neglected. (For example, supra-natural power was called in to help tracing the murderer.) There is also slightly more blood-shedding than what you could call comfortable.

Nonetheless, the story is brilliantly told. The Italian author does get my full attention from cover to cover, and I am repeatedly amazed and excited as the events unfold.

My only suggestion is, the anonymous mastermind should not be called Frankie or Adolf.

It should have been Karl.

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