Sunday, June 9, 2013


Although I am surprised to learn that university professors are turning into salesman in the admission interview, it is, to say the least, a pragmatic step to improve the quality of our medical student.

And, our faculty seems determined to do so by whatever means that could be executed. For example, a recent gadget that we put up is the global medical degree.

For obvious reasons, I should not discuss what I think about this innovation. Nonetheless, I could not resist the temptation to imagine what would be the feeling of all other students of the ordinary medical degree. Yes, the halo on the head of those global students may stand for a group of elite, but they may just be, in a sense, a species born with a silver spoon in their mouths. A lion's share of opportunity (doing research, going to famous overseas centers, mentorship, and so forth) goes to them, not for any observable credit, but because they come with a different name.

Alas, I am keen to see what kind of people would be the applicants.

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