Sunday, June 2, 2013


You may think I was just nostalgic when I talked about my experience in extracurricular learning during secondary school.

But no. There's a earthly reason for my grumble: Vivian and I were discussing what summer courses should our two princesses take up this year. Since Euterpe is advancing to primary school this September, we are also thinking of taking away some of the private tutorial classes that she is now attending.

"The piano class is essential," Vivian concluded after considering each and every class that our elder daughter is undertaking, "Alas, everything seems important! Mandarin, English, arithmetic, gymnastics... my god."

"Yes and no. It may also mean that nothing is essential," I remarked, "For example, what's the value of learning piano?"

"My dear, it's all about music and the cultivation of a humanistic character."

"I agree that's important, but I'm not sure that's essential. As you know, I play no instrument and know close to nothing about music. Well, I may be deficient in humanistic quality, but I do not feel incomplete. Seriously, I have in mind another subject that one should learn but is not taught in traditional schools -  although Euterpe may be too young for it."

"What's that?"

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