Sunday, June 16, 2013


Another aspect of self management that I am always looking for a better strategy is keeping myself update with latest journals.

I have tried half a dozen of methods because none could work well forever. For many years, I read hard copy of all journals that I subscribe on Sunday morning. It worked well until the birth of my two princesses, as my weekends were almost always occupied with one thing or another. To complicate the problem, I found more and more journals that I subscribe gone astray, and I was aware of the problem only a few weeks later when my friend KM mentioned some latest articles that I had absolutely no idea.

Since then, and, until very recently, I was using Kindle - the good old black-and-white version without a touch screen function. I check regularly on the table of content of all journals that I wish to keep an eye on. For articles that I find interesting, I use the Send to Kindle button on by Chrome browser, and then I could read on my way to work from that primitive tablet by Amazon.

It all goes well - except the very basic problem that many figures do not show up properly. This shortcoming becomes critical when I come to papers that talk about molecular mechanism or management algorithm.

In short, I need to find another way.

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