Sunday, June 23, 2013


(For visitors not familiar with our local medical news, let me explain briefly: It has recently come to the attention of our public media that a few famous Hong Kong doctors in private practice continue to quote outdated qualifications in their name cards. Most of these qualifications are members of American specialty boards and the Hong Kong doctors in question do not take the trouble to sit for the re-certificate examination.)

"Hey! What do you mean with that curious smile?" We were surprised with FK's wordless response.

"Alas, the concern is quite beyond the point," our friend in private practice explained, "You know, when you come out and practice, it doesn't matter very much what titles you add to your name card. MB or MD, MRCP or FRCP, DCH or MPH or whatever - they don't make a dime's worth of difference. Patients will line up outside your office if you could solve their problem - your qualification, or the lack of it, is none of their business. On the other hand, if you muddle along or keep having all sorts of complications with your treatment, what good is there to have all the fellowships and doctoral degrees? In the real world, the reputation of a doctor is written by words of mouth, not what we put down on the name card."

I cannot agree more.

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