Friday, August 9, 2013


Frequent visitors of this site may remember a series of interesting discussions between the army general and his cabinet secretary. (See,, and so forth.) Recently, the army general met a classmate of his, who was newly appointed as the principal of the Naval Academy.

"My friend, how's everything going?" The general asked.

"What a nicely put question!" The senior naval officer sighed, "That's exactly the problem: Everything is going in its own direction and it is impossible to make them cooperate or cohesive!"

"I hear that the Naval Academy is going to start a new program to train up budding captains and admirals..." The soldier suggested.

"Quite right. I suppose you are sharp enough to see through what we're trying to do?"

"Oh, yes, of course. It is absolutely necessary to put up new gadgets to attract new naval officers to your Academy. If not, why don't they aim for the army and join the West Point - which has a longer history and is a better established institute?"

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