Monday, August 5, 2013


On my way home after watching the university life of Mike Wazowski, my mind kept thinking of an inconspicuous character briefly appeared in Darkness God (黒竜王), a story in the all time classic comics of Buichi Terasawa (寺沢武一), Cobra.

That's an old man whom Cobra found living in the gigantic tummy of a robotic whale. He had an all-too-common face - except wearing a wig that looks like an octopus on his head. He was well mannered, and always appeared to be helpful to passers by... although he was actually putting up secret plots against the space pirate.

But, as the story unfolds, it turns out that all through his life, the old man was possessed by his wig - an octopus-like alien. His thought, his emotion, and his behaviour, were all governed by that horrible creature on his head.

The sobering truth is, without the haunting wig, the man did not know how to live and how to think. In short, he had no soul - just a moving specimen of flesh and skeleton, and he died shortly afterwards.

Alas, are we wearing wigs?

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