Friday, August 30, 2013


Even for two lovers of cookery, there is yet another subtle difference between one who prepares an exquisite feast for a special event and another who has to arrange family meals for five, twice a day, seven days a week, three weeks non-stop.

To me, the latter is both more challenging and satisfying.

(Thank goodness, that's also what I had to do in the recent days.)

Yes, the former is no easy task and needs a whole lot of planning - a suitable menu, purchase of raw material, utilization of stoves (and oven) as well as utensils. However, there is one distinct problem not to be worried by a banquet holder: leftover. For that reason, it is a common phenomenon to prepare excessive food for a party, and, how to tackle the food left behind? Who cares!?

PS. If you are not convinced, go ask the maid of any house that holds a event of such kind recently.

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