Wednesday, August 7, 2013


You know what. If I have to do away with The Scream, I do consider a few alternatives as my profile picture:
  • the official picture of Franz Kafka
  • a picture of Baruch Spinoza
  • a silhouette of Sherlock Holmes
  • a book cover with Philo Vance
  • the cover of The Smiling, Proud Wanderer (笑傲江湖)
  • my calligraphy of The Poem of Seven Sorrows (七哀詩) by Wang Can (王粲)
  • a trilobite (三葉蟲)
But, above all, my all time favorite is a two-word phrase in Chinese: 杜鵑.

PS. After all these hassles, I found out that it was the problem of the hyperlink to my original profile picture, which was broken when I updated my computer folders. Unfortunately, I lost the previous version of The Scream, and I am forced to use a new one.

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