Friday, August 17, 2012


For some unexplainable reasons I was asked to arrange the binding of a (so-called) thesis recently.

Yes, the kind of mass that our PhD students submit after their oral defense, with a hard cover and golden words engraved on the top.

Don’t laugh. It’s not as simple as you believe. To begin with, there aren’t very many places that offer this service nowadays. With the development of virtual reality, many theses are submitted electronically. (I shouldn’t comment whether some of the content of these submissions are equally virtual.) Even if some hard copies are needed, you can easily get it fixed in some exotic place north to the Shenzhen River – probably with a 50% discount.

Believe it or not, I ended up going back to the shop that bind my MD thesis some twelve years ago – not because I am nostalgic (yes, I am), but because it is the only one that is still in business!

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