Friday, August 24, 2012


"Em... I am not sure how you prepare the pig colon in your restaurant?" The girl hesitated to explain, "May I say it may have been washed too vigorously?"

"No, you mean there may be ... some shit ..." The waiter stuttered.

The girl nodded.

"That's not fair. You should trust our profession and we will try our best to remove all trace of that ... er... digestive remnant!" The waiter protested.

"May be, or may be not. I'm not sure, but I don't want to take any risk because I can only take my lunch once. After all, the reputation of your restaurant is somewhat wanting." The girl explained politely.

"No, you shouldn't have prejudice against us and must give us a chance," the waiter raised his voice a bit.

"But, what if there is really some sh... er... your digestive remnant in the dish?" The girl asked.

"I promise to have you and I working together and monitor for such a happening." The waiter insisted.

"And, what if my worry comes true?"

"In that case I shall spoon away that piece of ... whatever ... from your bowel!" The young man laughed.

The girl collapsed and had a seizure.

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