Friday, August 10, 2012


Shortly after I took my princesses to watch the latest movie of Doraemon, Euterpe sat for – believe it or not – an open English examination in the British Council.

Yes, it was the day when many parents had a walk with their children for the National Education business. Vivian had a bad flu and had to stay home, although she was actually very keen to join the parade. For me, I was slightly ambivalent, and, as a traditional Chinese, I prefer expressing my opinion by action.

I brought my daughter to pursue for some better form of education.

And, the Council was exceptionally crowded. I later learnt that there were close to 200 children who took examination of the same grade with my daughter – not to say there were other grades and other English examinations taking place simultaneously at the same place.

Whoever responsible for counting the number of people in the parade, please add the ones I met at the Supreme Court Road.

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