Monday, August 13, 2012


My recent bedtime reading is Hokago Wa Misuteri To Tomoni (放學後再推理) by Tokuya Higashigawa (東川篤哉).

Once again, I borrow this little paperback from AL - a collection of short stories, which is supposed to be the traditional form of detective fiction since Edgar Allan Poe. In the late 19th century, crime and detective fictions were considered an inferior type of literature and was therefore used largely for filling up of the space in magazines and newspapers. For that reason, short stories were generally favored.

The best collection of short detective stories is generally considered to be The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. My personal favorite is, of course, Poirot's Early Cases of Agatha Christie. The latter is a one course meal - simple but usually brilliantly prepared. In contrast, the former is a formal three course dinner, usually with an excellent appetizer - but the main dish may not always meet your expectation. 

Well, after all, many people mistake Entrée as the main course.

PS. How do I find Tokuya's book? As the man who used to have a moustache said: If you do not know by now, we are not talking in the same frequency.

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