Sunday, August 19, 2012


I must say it was such a long time since I was last here that I almost lost my way.

To my surprise, I met the same man - and this twelve years did not seem to have left even a trace on his face.

“Thesis for binding?” He asked the old question.

I nodded, and added, "Red cover with golden words engraved on the top."

He smiled - seeing that I knew perfectly well what I needed, "Is it urgent?"

"Yes, if possible," I murmured.

"In that case come get it tomorrow."

We made no contract. In fact, I didn't even have a receipt for me to claim back what I left - because I had not yet paid. The whole discussion took no more than two minutes, and everything was fixed. I suddenly realize how good old Hong Kong people did business.

If there is a core value of our city, it is the attitude of this very man that I just met.

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