Saturday, August 11, 2012


While thinking of the open English examination of my daughter, the following phenomenon suddenly comes through my mind:

(Good old days)

Primary school
Teacher (to her class): Does anyone know how to calculate 3 times 2?
All students shook their heads.
Teacher: Right, that’s what you are going to learn today.

Medical school
Professor (to the tutorial group): Who doesn’t know about the treatment of heart attack?
One student amongst the whole group raise his hand.
Professor: OK. You have to go back and read it up.


Medical school
Professor (to the tutorial group): Does anyone know something about the treatment of heart attack?
All students shook their heads.
Professor: Right, that’s what you are going to learn today.

Primary school
Teacher (to her class): Who doesn’t know how to do multiplication?
One student amongst the whole class raise his hand.
Teacher: OK. You have to go back and ask you mother.

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