Friday, June 27, 2014


“That’s your paranoid idea.” Ada says. Her face turns dark red.

“Is it? We need to be paranoid when we are dealing with human beings.” Philo says to himself. For obvious reasons he says something different aloud, “Ladies, there is another philosophical reason for me to disagree with your plan of a bloody mantou. To put it simply, medicine should be anonymous. The patient would not know who provides the ingredients or who makes the remedy. He takes it and gets better. That’s it. However, in the scenario of mantou, there is no way to hide the source of the blood, which, in that case, could be bought or bribed.”

Sibella and Ada remain silent. They are trying to figure out what the man is getting at. However, Julia shakes her head again, “My friend, we could do very little to help our father. I know the suggestion of bloody mantou is silly and it would never be executed. All we want to do is to show our opinion and raise the concern for our father’s health.”

“In that case, are you implying that I agree to give up if I were going to agree with your suggestion?” The man says, “In that case, I beg to disagree again. I still believe there are something solid that we could do to make your daddy better. It is nothing more or less than a coward to express an opinion that would never work out and then walk away."

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