Monday, June 9, 2014


On a recent occasion, my colleague AC asked me why all stories that I outline in this blog are almost always delayed by at least a few days.

She was right, and my immediate response was nothing but evasive: Quite right. They are late.

In reality, I deliberately do so. Yes, it is easy to make a rush comment on whatever one encounter, and not too difficult a task to make it eye-catching. However, I would prefer to think it over, write it down, and leave it aside for one or two days before getting it published, so that I will not jump to the conclusion or write something that I will (easily) regret. The physiological principle is, when you feel hot, most of the blood goes to the skin, and your brain receives very little perfusion.

I write to express my considered opinion; the click-through rate is less of my consideration.

As William Shakespeare said (in The Merchant of Venice): I am not bound to please thee with my writings.

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