Wednesday, June 11, 2014


My alma mater changed a lot.

In the old days, it was in the middle of the Lion Rock, and used to run half-day classes. When the old public estate there was demolished and rebuilt in early 1990s, the school was also pulled down and moved to the bottom of the hill. Some years later, following the trend of every other primary school in the city, it is converted to whole-day class; the original morning classes continued to stay in the valley, while the afternoon ones moved to a new campus on the peak.

Not only the place is different, all teachers in my days have retired – the last one whom I knew did so three years ago, and the headmaster has changed more than once. This time, when I was introduced to the staff teachers and shown to the place, I suddenly came to realize what many people feel about their home country (祖國).

On one hand, the place is a stranger. On the other, you know absolutely well that you come from it and there is, somehow, a special affection.

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