Saturday, June 21, 2014


The difference in opinion is drastic. Tobias' daughters – Sibella, Julia, and Ada – all think that the old man is weak with his lungs and has some kind of mystic infection. On the other hand, his sons – Chester and Rex – believe their father has nothing wrong with his body, but just being depressed for his trouble-making daughters.

It is a warm Friday evening. Tobias retires to bed early. In fact, he has hardly eaten anything for dinner. Chester and Rex are both out for some “social function”. Sibella decides to take the opportunity and discuss the situation with her sisters.

“The old man must be having some kind of infection,” Sibella begins, “Tuberculosis or virus or whatever. But the doctor won’t listen to us. What should we do?”

“I’m just reading a monograph written by a Dr. Lu from China,” Ada says, “There is a good remedy for infections of this kind. We can give it to daddy.”

“That’s fantastic! What kind of remedy is it?” Sibella and Julia ask.

“Mantou (饅頭) soaked with blood,” the youngest sister says calmly.

PS. For the true story of mantou soaked with blood, go read Medicine (藥) of Lu Xun (魯迅).

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