Sunday, June 8, 2014


My recent leisure reading is Murderer’s Confession about a Girl (關於少女的殺人告白) by Seinan Sato (佐藤青南).

It’s a crime fiction about child abuse and a girl from a broken family. Although supposedly original, the story is told in a way very much similar to Confession (告白) of Kanae Minato (湊佳苗), and I have a déjà vu feeling of seeing Yukiho Karasawa (唐沢雪穂) of Byakuyakō (白夜行) when I read about the unfortunate life of Aki (亞紀).

Nonetheless, I am not satisfied. The presentation is fragmented and slightly difficult to follow; it may be acceptable if it is a novel on theology or philosophy, but far from entertaining or reader-friendly if we take it as popular literature for the la(z)y public.

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