Thursday, June 19, 2014


(My discussion with L continued.)

"You know, my landlady is weired, but the really inexplicable tenant of my house is D," my friend said.

"Oh, I know him - and who doesn't?" I raised my eyebrow, "He is not a public figure. Well, not yet. But quite well known within his, that is, your, circle. He is outspoken and seems to know a lot about democracy. Alas, isn't it right that he is running for the representative of all you tenants? What's wrong with him?"

"You know, he speaks with the same frequency with our landlady, and consider himself not a tenant, but the godson of the old woman," L explained, "Well, that's his own view and not really the problem. What really touches me is, on one hand he keeps saying how his parents, before moving to this house, were badly treated by their previous landlady, but, on the other, he deliberately turns a blind eye to all the wrongdoings of his so called godmother!"

I could see the frustration of my friend.

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