Sunday, June 22, 2014


"Why! I am thinking of mantou with blood all the time! Arthur told me that's a fantastic treatment." Sibella exclaims. Arthur von Blon is her fiance. He used to be a medical doctor in another country - or so he claims.

"Yes, I read about the remedy in the morning paper too," Julia nods, "It's not difficult to buy a mantou and find some blood. Let's go ahead."

"No, you do not comprehend," Ada shakes her head, "Mantou is easy, but it's a bit tricky with the blood. We need it fresh from someone who is beheaded."

"But there's no death penalty in this country! Oh, we cannot simply go around and chop off the head of whoever." Julia says, "Em... I think the critical issue is the blood must come from a prisoner. That could be arranged..."

"You are getting the wrong end of the stick!" Sibella finds she has to speak up, "What really matters is obviously fresh blood from the neck. I suppose we can get it from a surgeon. Arthur has several friends working in the hospital..."

"I don't think I can agree with either." Ada also raises her voice, "The remedy in the book is fresh blood from someone who is beheaded. We should not compromise a single word!"

"Em... Excuse me..." A voice comes from the entryway.

The three girls turn around - a middle age man is standing there.

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