Saturday, December 31, 2016


Sequel sucks.

Not that I have fewer opinions on what's happening around, but the cost - both social and opportunistic ones - is too high to get my view expressed. For some quick and sensational comments (as well as good books that I read), I shall put them up on Facebook.

So, this is the end of my blog. As F.A. Hayek said in The Road to Serfdom:

If we are to build a better world we must have the courage to make a new start - even if that means some reculer pour mieux sauter.

Happy new year.

Friday, December 30, 2016


Recently read: Ellery Queen 《The Player on the Other Side》(中譯本)

Thursday, December 29, 2016


Recently watched: 新海誠《你的名字》

Excellent plot and brilliantly excecuted - although if I were Makoto Shinkai, I would have make Miki Okudera turns out to be Mitsuha Miyamizu five years later.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Although Abraham Wald did bring up an important and influential point, I must say I am not entirely satisfied the computation.

A few issues here. To begin with, the degree of protection is probably not directly proportional to the thickness of the armor - at some point there should be a plateau of the relation curve.

Second, it was assumed that the bullets were fired randomly and evenly, so that the density of bullet holes on each part of a surviving plain was inversely proportional to the vulnerability of that part. For obviously reasons we know that's not correct. To go one step further, with the data and knowledge of the survey, pilots of the adversary air force would try to focus more often on the vulnerable parts, resulting in a negative feedback.

Moreover, there are parts that are intrinsically protected and therefore have a lower chance of being hit by bullets. For example, the medial surface of the engine could not be easily hit. If you want an extreme example, the wheels and tire could hardly be hit because they are hidden inside the plane while flying. Alas, you won't put armor on the tire, will you?

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


My recent leisure reading is about the life and time of Abraham Wald, who was famous for, amongst his other contributions to mathematics and decision theory, the story of the missing bullet holes.

To put it simply, Wald was a mathematician born in the then Austria-Hungary Empire and moved to the States when Nazi took over his country (around the same time with Captain Georg von Trapp of The Sound of Music). He had most of his academic career at the Columbia University.

During World War II, Wald was involved in a project to minimize bomber losses to enemy fire. In short, the US Navy conducted a study of the damage done to aircraft that had returned from missions. The original idea was to add armor to the areas that showed the most damage. In contrast, Wald argued that reinforcement should be made in the areas where the returning aircraft had least bullet holes, since those were the areas that, if hit, would cause the plane to be lost.

Simple, eh? The actual calculation is a lot more complicated. For fans of pure mathematics, you may like to go through Wald's original report, which is a 90-page text available at

Monday, December 26, 2016


I end up solving my problem accidentally.

And it is easy. I create a conventional short-cut for the file that I want easy access, and then copy that short-cut to the Evernote page - in which it appears as an ordinary file with "lnk" as the extension. When it is double-clicked, the original file in the hard disk is opened by the usual program. (I try it on all Microsoft Office applications as well as SPSS files.)

The point is, if the original file is in Google Drive, it would then be synchronized automatically after saving. You can access the same file from different Evernote pages because you just put hyperlinks rather than the original file in the page. Moreover, if you are the rare species who works on two computers with the same Google Drive, the link would still work in both computers - as long as the filing structure (i.e. the path name) of the target file remains the same.

And it works equally well if the link is made to a foler rather than a single file.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


Although there are two official ways to put a file in the page of Evernote, each has its own problem.

First, putting a file directly into the note page means that it is detached from the original hard drive folder that keeps many of the related documents. Although it is theoretically possible to put several files into the same page of notes and make it function as a folder, there is a size limit of the file and you lose the hierarchy of a folder system. Moving attachment files across note pages is also cumbersome.

(By the way, there is an "Import Folder" function of Evernote, which seems to be an attempt to take over the conventional folder function. It is absolutely hopeless.)

How about linking up with the Google Drive?

Not much better an option really. It is ridiculously difficulty to find the file you want to link up because the dialogue box does not follow the tree-like filing system. You need to define the program for opening Microsoft Office files need to be opened. And, above all, it doesn't work when you are off-line.

Saturday, December 24, 2016


Frequent visitor of this blog would know I use Evernote for information management. (For example, see

Over the years, the program improves drastically, and I use it now for almost every aspect of my life. It is my second brain to keep useful information, a filing cabinet to hold meeting notes, a program to keep track on all projects, a note pad to write down things to do and wild ideas, and what not.

Nonetheless, Evernote is not designed for file management. I still keep most of the files in Google Drive - photo, database, and many other documents - and there comes the problem. In short, it is not uncommon for me to shift directly from a note page (for example, one with some cursory notes that I made during a meeting) to an actual file. How could I do it?

There are two official ways: Move the file into the notes as an attachment, or, if the file is kept in Google Drive, attach the hyperlink of the file to the notes.

However, neither is entirely satisfactory.

Let me explain tomorrow.

Friday, December 23, 2016


Christmas present I bought for myself - this is the fourth stethoscope in my professional life.

Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


Recently read: Steven Silbiger 《The 10-Day MBA》

Somehow I find it more difficult to understand than when I first read it 15 years ago.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Recently read: Hiroshi Mikitani and Ryoichi Mikitani 《The Power to Compete

The best way that a son could pay tribute to his father.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


(Conversation overheard during a social dinner.)

A: Let me give you my name card.

B (looking at the card): Alas, you are the director of a troupe!

A (blushing slightly): Yes...

B: Do you go up to the stage and act ?

A: No need. I have ample opportunities - I act in my daily life.

Monday, December 19, 2016





Sunday, December 18, 2016


Shortly after the result of the CE Election Committee was out, I had the opportunity to dine with a group of local doctors - from a few senior members of the College to some junior trainees.

As expected, the senior ones led the discussion. PL, a senior consultant who is also the most verbose one, began, "I am really surprised with the result. Being in the field for so long, and knowing so many people, I could only recognize five of the 30 doctors who win the election!"

We were silent for a moment. PL went on, "Szeto, how many of them do you know?"

"Hm... half of them, I suppose."

"How about you, JN?" He turned to a new fellow over the other side of the table.

"Two-third, I think."

"In other words, there is an inverse correlation between the age of a doctor and the degree of support to the successful candidates..." I said to myself.

Saturday, December 17, 2016


Recently read: Escor Huang《Evernote 100個做筆記的好方法》

May not be comprehensive, but absolutely practical.

Friday, December 16, 2016




Thursday, December 15, 2016


On a recent occasion, I visited the office of my wife Vivian. To my surprise, she keeps a good collection of books that I read on her shelf.

Here is an incomplete list:
  • 愛德華•霍克《鬼使神偷》
  • 喬斯坦·賈德《蘇菲的世界》
  • 愛笛絲.赫米爾敦《希臘羅馬神話故事》
  • 米蘭·昆德拉《玩笑》
  • 黃仁宇《萬曆十五年》
  • 阿嘉莎‧克莉絲蒂《十三人的晚宴》
  • 李伯元《官場現形記》
  • Wayne A. Wickelgren《How to solve mathematical problems》
  • Boris Kordemsky 《The Moscow Puzzles: 359 Mathematical Recreations》
  • Peter Klein《Getting started in security analysis》

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Following my argument yesterday, there is an important consideration that may skip your eyes.

In short, when should we aim to make sure our favorite candidate wins, and when should we change the objective and try to get rid of the ones we are against?

It is, in fact, simple. In a democratic environment and when everyone could have their own opinion, we should go for the former. In that circumstances, we should try to make our special voice heard.

On the other hand, when we are struggling under the mercy of tyranny and are in the minority, we should do the opposite. In this case, it is logical to unite everyone to fight against Lord Voldemort.

NB. I shall do away with the steps of logical deduction that bring us to this conclusion. Nonetheless, if you could not see how it comes along, you could see nothing.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Following my discussion on the strategy of voting in recent days, is there any scenario that we really would want to vote for one but not all two candidates?

Yes, there is one.

Consider this: Suppose there is one candidate that you support, another you are neutral to, and the other 8 you are strongly against; one of the 8 is way ahead and would certainly win, the neutral one is in the second place with a marginal lead over your favorite candidate, who is third in the list In that case, voting only for the candidate you support would push him to the second and win.

You may argue: Although this scenario is uncommon, it is the only one that your vote makes a difference. I consider that a subjective judgment: Do we want the one whom we support to win, or those we are against lose?

Monday, December 12, 2016


You may ask: What is the difference between voting for candidates after they declared their choice of CE and having a group of representatives who do a survey and choose the CE according to the result?


You may realize the latter system is that used by the United States for presidential election. Although appears to be fair, it is in fact a winner-takes-all policy, and opinion of the important minority is neglected. In other words, a marginal dominance becomes a complete victory in a sector (or, a state in USA). It is therefore possible to have a candidate winning an election but would have lost if it is a general election: They win by the skin of their teeth in many sectors and lose terribly in a few sectors.

Donald Trump is the most recent example.

Sunday, December 11, 2016


I must say I am so impressed by the reply that I lose my nerve.

To begin with, there is little reason for members of the Election Committee to explain to their voters the policy of every candidate running for the Chief Executive - who should explain his plan to the constituency directly. With the Election Committee as the intermediate, all messages become second-hand and are subjected to bias and distortion.

But, above all, if they vote according to the survey, there is little point to choose a bright or capable candidate, because their only task is to conduct the survey. In this case, the only criteria of choosing Election Committee members is integrity - that is, the risk of them to cast a vote against the result of survey.

I shall not elaborate further.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


When asked whom he would vote for in the coming Chief Executive election, a candidate who runs for the Election Committee makes a remarkable reply:








I shall save my comments for tomorrow.

Friday, December 9, 2016


Scenario #5 (following the logic of #2): If we support 1 candidate, are neutral to 2 others, and are strongly against the remaining 7, we should vote for the one that we support and, amongst the two whom we are neutral to, the one who has a higher chance to win. Again, the objective is to minimize the chance of those we are against.

Is there any scenario that we should cast only one vote? Let's consider this:

Scenario #6: We support 1 candidate and are strongly against the remaining 9.

Yes, in theory, we should only vote for the one whom we support and leave the other vote blank.

However, in real life situation, it is almost always possible to, amongst the 9 whom we dislike, find one that is least repugnant. Even if there is none, there may well be other social reasons that you would like to vote for one of the abominable nine - for example, one of them is your classmate or old friend. In this case, your spare vote serves a social rather than political function.

Thursday, December 8, 2016



Scenario #3: If we support 1 candidate, are neutral to another, and are strongly against the other 8, we should vote for the one that we support as well as the one whom we are neutral to - so as to minimize the chance of those we are against.

Scenario #4 (following the logic of #3): If we do not support any candidate, are neutral to two, and are strongly against the other 8, we should vote for the two whom we are neutral to. Again, we want to minimize the chance of those we are against.

The motto is: Even though we have no particular one in mind to support, we should always vote.

More scenarios to come tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


While we are considering who to vote for in the coming Chief Executive Election Committee Subsector Election, a classmate of mine said, "I could not find all 30 good candidates to vote for. As a result, I shall put up fewer votes so as to concentrate my support."

I must say I find this plan, to say the least, ingenuous.

Let's go through the considerations step by step:

Let's consider a simple situation: There are 10 candidates running for 2 posts, and we can cast 2 votes.

Scenario #1: If we support 2 candidates and are strongly against the other 8, we should certainly vote for the 2 that we support.

Scenario #2: If we support 3 candidates, we should vote 2 of them who have the highest chance of winning.

(To be continued.)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016








Monday, December 5, 2016


"Japan doesn't have abundant natural resources. Our people are everything... it is more important for us to invest in people," said Ryoichi Mikitani

I believe Hong Kong is no different.

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Recently read: 奧野宣之《活用一輩子的讀書筆記術》。
It may not be the best book of the topic. Nonetheless, it convinces me that we need to take notes along with our reading.

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Shortly after returned from Chicago, I took part in the licensing examination arranged by the Medical Council.

It was a tiring two-day exercise. In the last session, I had the privilege of pairing up with our external examiner, who has the habit of saying a very piece of epilogue to each candidate when the examination is finished: Thank you. See you again.

I kept a polite smile - because I fully understand a candidate would need to see their examiner again only if they fail.

Towards the end of our session, we met a particularly outstanding candidate. (In this case, outstanding means if the candidate were a schoolchild and we teachers, we would certainly ask him to get out of the classroom and stand there for the rest of the day.)

While the candidate was marching out of the examination hall with the standard epilogue, I turned and tole my new friend, "For god sake, I having nothing to thank him, and I certainly do not want to see him again..."

Friday, December 2, 2016



「某某人講大話、誠信破產、蓄意破壞香港的法治,莫視民主、自由等核心價值和國際標準,因此萬萬不能選他,萬萬不能讓他連任!」 這話容易說,可以贏得掌聲、可以保證選票,但這些說話不外乎口號 -- 空洞沒有內容的口號。我不愛喊口號。




Thursday, December 1, 2016





Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Recently read: Daniel Levitin 《The Organized Mind》

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Lovers of modern physics would have heard of the existence of dark energy.

In short, dark energy is an obscure form of energy that contributes around two-third of the total energy in the universe.

While watching Matrix again in Chicago, I suddenly suspect we are all living in hallucination within an experimental system created by highly intelligent extraterrestrials or computers - and dark energy is the force that drives the entire system. That's why we cannot explain it by the rule of physics within the system.

Monday, November 28, 2016




看着,忽有遐想:其實摩連奴(Jose Mourinho)個樣好似戇豆先生(Rowan Atkinson)。

Sunday, November 27, 2016


不記得從甚麼時候開始,每次到美國都要到間正統的扒房吃一次。今年我在芝加哥,酒店位於「河北」,吃的便是一箭之遥的「茹絲葵」(Ruth Chris)。


正因為是每次留美的指定動作,菜色也幾乎一樣:蟹餅前菜,8安士肉眼扒,椰菜苗(brussel sprout)伴碟。

茹絲葵上桌的碟極熱,看着食物仍滋滋作響,是其各店特色。相較香港,芝加哥河北這間裝碟顯得隨便,食味卻是一貫水準。肉眼扒叫了medium rare,火候準確,只嫌肥膏稍多,肉質便不如Morton等同業。但蟹餅香嫰、椰菜苗也爽口惹味,是較其他品牌優勝。埋單百二美金,偶一為之也不妨。

Saturday, November 26, 2016





Friday, November 25, 2016


Frequent visitors of my previous blog may remember I have a rooted belief: It is usually impossible to tell an ingenious crook from a complete idiot.

(For example, see:

But, now I see light.

First, from a simple epidemiological point of view (alas, that's the physician's jargon of by chance), ingenious crooks are a rare species, while idiots are of abundant supply. It is therefore almost always the latter case.

And, since you can predict the action of neither (as you cannot put yourself into their very special shoes), and, to us, their detrimental effects are identical, we should treat them as all but the same species.


Thursday, November 24, 2016


You may ask: How about other softwares?

Simple - for I need very few. Yes, there is Microsoft Office. (I must say I tried Open Office and Google Document, but neither is satisfactor.) And there is Acrobat Reader and Evernote - and the latter takes another night, as I put all my reading notes, reference, and scan documents here. I also use FastStone Image Viewer for figure editing, Google Keepand XMind for the construction of complicated charts.

That's all.

Well, I used to install Cute PDF Writer but it has very little use nowadays. I also have SigmaPlot for the preparation of scientific charts in my desktop computer, but I shall spare it in my laptop (which is not meant for detailed figure construction anyway).

Again, the KISS principle applies.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


When my wife Vivian first heard that I bought a new laptop, the first question she put up was: How long does it take for me to install everything back into the new computer?

Thank goodness, not much.

The reason is simple. I am a loyal Google user and put all my working files in Google Drive. To me, the only use of Microsoft Internet Explorer is for the downloading of Google Chrome. Once I sign into my Google account, all my internet bookmarks are back into place. The next step is to connect with Google Drive and let all files download back to my laptop hard disk - which I just leave the computer to work over night.

PS. However trustworthy the Google Drive is, I still keep a backup copy of all my working files in a separate portable hard disk - just in case - and I have this backup drive updated every month.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


One consideration that deters me for a long time from buying a new laptop computer is my tablet.

In other words, why do I need a laptop computer? I have my Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 with me most of the time. With the leather cover, it is still nothing more than 300-g in weight. Although used primarily for reading journal papers and Kindle books during travel, it is good enough as a web browser, scanner (by its Evernote document camera), and word processor (especially for its capability of recognizing hand-written Chinese). When used with my blue-tooth keyboard, it is almost a miniature computer - with the advantage of being easy to carry.

Nonetheless, I finally conclude that a laptop is needed, for travel as well as home office during the rare incident of long holiday. However powerful a tablet is, I could only have all my files at hand in an ordinary computer. With a tablet, it is not convenient for writing long papers or working on Excel sheets, and an even worse idea to create charts. Powerpoint slides prepared in a tablet usually need extensive editing when transfer back to an ordinary computer. The two gadgets are, therefore, complementary rather than one replacing the other.

Monday, November 21, 2016


I bought a new laptop computer recently.

Frequent visitors of my blog may recall I bought my last one in early 2011 (see It actually works well until recently, when the touchpad and the screen cursor seem to go mad every now and then.

To follow my consideration at that time, Hang Seng Index remains around 22000 lately (that is, no change in the past five years). It was a Fujitsu Lifebook at a price of HK$11,000 last time, and now it becomes a Lenovo Thinkpad X260 at HK$7500 only.

I bought this new toy from the Lenovo on-line store directly - another new experience for me. The model is not top in the series, but is the one recommended by the computer officer of my department. It is not as expensive and suite my purpose well enough. In fact, X1 Carbon - the most advanced model - is a trace too big for my backpack.

Sunday, November 20, 2016








Saturday, November 19, 2016



紅磡: Red Pier (磡,碼頭也。)
石硤尾: Rocky Gap
荔枝角: Lychee Court
樂富: Tiger Rock (樂富原名老虎岩。)
黄大仙: Huang's Temple
天后: Queen's Temple
太古: Swire
彩虹: Rainbow
牛頭角: Cow Head Corner
油塘: Oil Pond
將軍澳: General's Bay
調景嶺: Hanging Height (調景嶺原名吊頸嶺。)

Friday, November 18, 2016


While talking about the academic qualification of prospective medical students, there is a related consideration that involves a deeper water.

Let me explain in a convoluted manner.

To begin with, you may recall some medical schools, such as ours, and contrary to our sister institute across the Victoria Harbour, emphasize the humanistic quality of future doctors. In addition to having a reasonable and all-rounded intellectual capability, they should show personalities that are (believed to be) important for good doctors: honest, empathetic, good team workers, and eager to help anyone in need.

But, hold on. Do we not expect the same characters in our country leaders, backbenchers, lawyers, nurses, and - seriously - cashiers of the McDonald's nearby?

In other words, these are qualities we expect for every (ideal) citizen in a modern society. For the general public, such an expectation is psychologically projected to doctors because, unfortunately, not all ordinary citizens are in the possession of these desirable characters, but doctors should be able to do a bit better. And, for the administrators of medical schools, such a declaration is a blind. It pleases the general public, and it serves other realistic purposes.

I shall not elaborate further.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


A common opinion is prospective medical students should have a sound basic knowledge in biology and chemistry.

That argument, unfortunately, does hold water. In many countries (notably the States), secondary school teaching on neither chemistry nor biology is necessary for the admission to a medical school. For visitors from my institute, you may like to know our founding professor of ophthalmology got his MD from a renown medical school in America. His first degree was, notably, on music, and his knowledge on chemistry and biology was as good as Sherlock Holmes' on the solar system.

The logic is simple: As long as the candidate is smart and hardworking enough, he could always pick up missing background basic knowledge on any subject. And, if you consider chemistry or biology essential, there are so many other subjects that could prove relevant for the study of medicine: psychology, statistics, sociology, economics, computer science - just to name a few. Another remarkable example, also from our own university, is our previous professor of endocrinology. After A-level examination, his application for studying medicine was accepted because of his exceptional knowledge in Latin.

Alas, and that turned out to be enormously helpful - when he began to study anatomy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


A recent hot topic within our circle is the new admission criteria of new medical students to our sister medical school.

The idea is simple: The calculation of scoring becomes more flexible. Some allowance is given to applicants who do not do quite well in Chinese or Liberal Studies (or, at least on paper, any other subject) in the DSE Exam, as long as the performance in other subjects is good enough.

There is much concern - mostly by the alumni of our sister university - that the standard of medical students (and therefore that of future doctors) would be compromised. In this regard I am sure they are barking on the wrong tree. The hidden message of their dean is simple: The performance in DSE Exam does not reflect the actual Chinese or general capability of the students.

Nonetheless, there are other related points that worth discussion on this matter.

I shall elaborate tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016



Monday, November 14, 2016

立法: 從今以後你要遵守這項法律。

釋法: 這項法律自古以來已經存在,你們過去和將來都應當遵守。

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Presidential election of USA, 2020.

Saturday, November 12, 2016






Friday, November 11, 2016




Thursday, November 10, 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016






Tuesday, November 8, 2016


"Do you mean you make your tail a bullet and you bite on it?" Raphael asked, half jokingly.

"I mean I would tell them everything and let them choose, but I am always cautious with my wordings."

"I do not see..."

"For example, if you prefer them eating the fruit from the Tree, you could tell the man This is the apple of wisdom, the god would be disappointed if you eat it."


"And, if you prefer them getting away from the Tree, you may try giving them another ninety-nine plants to choose - and make the Tree of Wisdom the ninety-eighth on the list. Alternatively, you can lead him to another tree that bears some sour fruit and let them try. After several rounds of bitter experience with no obvious gain, I'm sure he would come to the conclusion that apples are not edible and would never get close to the Tree. In short, Adam is a falling stone who believes it has a free will - and we are the gravity."

"My god, you are really a devil!" Exclaimed the great angel.

"Yes, but, without the permission of the god, do you think I could get entrance to his Garden?"

Monday, November 7, 2016


"My dear fellow, what are the major principles of being an angel?" The serpent asked.

"Do good, do no harm, and, above all, respect autonomy..." Raphael recited.

"Spot on. Therefore tell them all about the tree and let them choose."

"But if I am pretty sure they would choose something that harms themselves, I would prefer keeping everything to myself."

"My friend, in that case you are practising against the ethical principles and, in short, playing god."

"Are you conveying to me the message of the god, or is it all a temptation?"

"It depends on your point of view. You know, since I am a snake, I know exactly how to make both ends meet..."

Sunday, November 6, 2016


(The story of Raphael continued.)

The great angel walked confusedly in Eden. As you imagine, his subconscious mind brought him to the Tree of Wisdom.

A voice appeared between the branches.

"My dear fellow, you look puzzled. What's the matter?"

"Alas, nothing. Who are you?"

"I am Serpent - you could see that much. Can I help you?"

"How could you? To tell you the truth, I'm wondering whether I should tell the two human beings everything about this tree."

"Of course. You should respect their free mind!"

"Even if they would probably eat the apple and be expelled the paradise?"

Saturday, November 5, 2016


(Again, history in another parallel universe.)

God told Raphael, "I shall take a break. As the archangel, you shall take charge of the Garden of Eden while I'm not around."

"Yes, sir," Raphael said, "When will you be back?"

"God knows. Oh, I should say even god doesn't know. A few millennia, I suppose."

"In that case what should I do with the two persons in the Garden?"

"Do you mean Adam and Eve? You don't have to do anything. Just leave them there and they are all content and happy."

"But, they may touch the Tree of Knowledge..."

"Don't be silly. They don't even know there is such a tree. I got to go. Everything is up to you. So long..."

In no time the God disappeared. Standing in the middle of Eden, Raphael was confused - he didn't know what he was allowed to do.

Friday, November 4, 2016






Thursday, November 3, 2016







Wednesday, November 2, 2016





Tuesday, November 1, 2016






Monday, October 31, 2016






Sunday, October 30, 2016



Note: Pictures copied from the internet.

Saturday, October 29, 2016




Friday, October 28, 2016


Recently read: Tori O'Neal-McElrath《Winning Grants Step by Step》

I must say I find it difficult to understand there is a fourth edition.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


I went on with my lecture, "Even for patients within the same department, the current trend is specialization rather than generalization."

"What do you mean?" My wife asked.

"For example, if a woman is under the care of a liver surgeon for gall stone, and, at the same time, she is also noticed to have a breast lump. Would the liver surgeon do the workup or refer her to a breast surgeon? There is nothing fancy about breast ultrasound, X-ray, or biopsy - all general surgeons should be fully capable. However, if there is any problem, his expertise would be challenged, and any pig-headed extraterrestrial would comment that the system never bar him from referring the patient to a breast surgeon."

"The attitude is wrong."

"Is it? I'm not entirely sure. On one hand we think generalization would save the trouble of multiple referral and improve the efficiency of the system. On the other, specialization certainly improves the outcome of many procedures - surgery, endoscopy, and what not. As Adam Smith said: The greatest improvement in the productive power of labour... have been the effects of the division of labour."

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


"I think the idea of our extraterrestial friends is this: If a problem could be taken care of by a private doctor, why couldn't a junior surgical or medical trainee do the same thing?"

"Because a private doctor gets paid and therefore has the incentive to handle those simple problems. In contrast, a junior trainee in the Hospital Authority has no such incentive - their salary is fixed, they need to shoulder the responsibility, and, if anything happens, they get the blame. As I just said, extraterrestrial creatures are mostly mollusks. Moreover, expectations of the public - fueled by the mass media and, unfortunately, a few aliens in the Council - has also changed over the years. Em... you see, I use the word changed, not elevated."

"So, what is your conclusion - or proposal?"

"My conclusion is: More education is needed - but that's for the extraterrestrials and general public. The idea is simple: Tell them, for example, that a junior surgeon could manage a high finger prick sugar level."

PS. For new visitors who have not heard of the term mollusk, please refer to

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


(Our discussion went on.)

"You don't agree, do you?" My wife asked.

"I'm afraid I do not. To begin with, all junior doctors are actually reasonably educated on every aspects of medicine and surgery, just that the current system prevents them from applying their knowledge - or, I dare say, from exercising their common sense."

"Dear, you are too cynical."
"Am I? Take your high finger prick glucose as an example. When I was a surgical house officer, I was allowed to take care of all those problems - not because I was a medical gold medalist, but because my consultant had the confidence that house officers had the capability, and he was willing to shoulder all responsibility for the consequence. Nowadays, on one hand the administrators say they encourage applying general medical knowledge. On the other, whenever troubles or complaints arise, all they would say is they have never prohibited frontline doctors from consulting experts of other specialties!"

Monday, October 24, 2016


My wife Vivian attended the consultant interview recently. After that unsuccessful attempt, I asked her, "What did they ask?"

"Everything. Nonetheless, I was puzzled by one question."


"They asked what do I think of generalization, that is, expanding the general training amongst, for example, basic surgical trainees."

"What do they mean?"

"They mean the plan of enhancing the knowledge and confidence of simple medical and surgical knowledge amongst junior doctors so as to cut down unnecessary consultations. For example, physicians won't consult us for lipoma, and our trainees will not consult them for a finger prick glucose level of 9 as in-patient. Alas, I know nothing about this plan - I only heard of it during the interview!"

"And what did you say?"

"Em... I said it's a good idea. We should pay more effort to educate the juniors."

I laughed and shoke my head.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Frequent visitors of my blog may be puzzled by my reading record. For example, how could I finish with Mindset on Thursday and 後漢書 on Saturday?

Simple. They were read at different time slots.

In fact I have four regular time slots for reading everyday - around 20 minutes each. I read medical journals (downloaded to my Samsung tablet) on my way to work, followed by reading medical textbooks in my office as the first thing after I had my breakfast. In the evening, I read a non-medical electronic book (via Amazon Kindle or Google Book in my tablet) on my way back home, and another paperback as bedtime reading.

By the way, 20 minutes is close to my concentration span of reading a book now. It used to be well over one hour when I was in medical school, and 30 minutes some 10 years ago. The process of aging is obvious.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Recently read:《二十五史新編――後漢書》

The attraction is not what it describes, but what it doesn't.

Friday, October 21, 2016






Thursday, October 20, 2016


Recently read: Moisés Naím《The End of Power》

It is by and large another version of Thomas Friedman's《The World is Flat》.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


(The conversation with my wife went on.)

"Since you mention reading a lot without any practical experience, I come to realize medical students are very fortunate nowadays." Vivian said, "In the old days, when we encountered a particular disease or specific drug in the ward and we wanted to look it up, we had to search through several textbooks, and, many a time, we still could not get a satisfactory answer. Now, a student just goes to the Internet and key in anything you need, you can get a very detail answer - in Medscape or Wikipedia or whatever. In short, they have all the information at their fingertips."

"My dear, I'm not sure you could call that fortunate. Maybe I can explain my concern in a philosophical way: You read a lot of martial arts novels (武俠小說), don't you?"

"Yes... so what?"


Or, as TS Eliot said:
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in infomation?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


During a casual dinner conversation, I told my wife, "You know, I was late for dinner yesterday."

"Yes. What happened?"

"I was attending a talk that I had to be present for administrative reasons, and the speaker was absolutely remarkable. His lecture was supposed to be 20 minutes, but he prepared over 120 slides, which he took well over 40 minutes to finish."

"I suppose he just tried to be thorough?"

"He probably wanted to tell us all he knew about kidney disease - and I'm afraid even that wouldn't take 20 minutes. It was plain obvious that he has no practical experience in that subject, and he just copy-and-paste everything he could found in textbook and recent review articles to his PowerPoint slides."

By the way, I shouldn't really call that young man speaker - all he did was playing karaoke.

PS. Frequent visitors of this site would know I have a specific phobia to speakers who overrun. To me, wasting other people's time means wasting their life, and therefore a kind of miniature murder.

Monday, October 17, 2016





Sunday, October 16, 2016

和不少對文字演化有研究的朋友一樣,當我看到黑澤明的日文原名,便會有很奇怪的感覺:「明」的日文是 「akira」,語音和平假名的結構和許多常用字大有分別。

事實上,「akira」是典型印度語或梵語類的發音。現代梵語的 akira 也是解作「光芒」。同一個字西傳歐洲,和大部份的梵文一樣,第一個 「a」省略了,變成了女性名字「Kira」,就是「光明開朗的人」。


Saturday, October 15, 2016






Friday, October 14, 2016











Thursday, October 13, 2016






申:唔,正如那個叫 Jared Diamond 的花旗人說,在一個小圈子內,信譽足以代替合約。

張:這也是博奕理論所說的 communication by action。



Wednesday, October 12, 2016












Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Took part in the MRCP PACES examination recently.

I shall not elaborate what I encountered. Nonetheless, a remarkable phenomenon did happen again and again throughout the day.

It went like this: All candidates were given their own score sheets before the examination and were asked to fill in the computer codes of their candidate number, center number, scenario number, and examiner number, as shown in this picture:

And, you may guess that much: The more careful the candidate filled in the boxes, the more meticulous was their technique of physical examination.

There was also a small group of candidates who filled in their candidate number carefully but left the other boxes all over the place. I shall leave it to you to decide what kind of people they are.

[Declaration: The above picture is downloaded from the Royal College of Physicians' website.]

Monday, October 10, 2016




Sunday, October 9, 2016




Saturday, October 8, 2016


While talking about Chinese history, my friend FL showed me a box that he recently acquired under the hammer:

Thanks to his explanation and additional comments by RC, I learn that these are Chinese poem plates (詩牌). It is, in essence, a kind of board game that social elites of the Qing Empire played, but is also used for teaching kids to write poems.

Friday, October 7, 2016




Thursday, October 6, 2016


While I was counting the numbers, my friend AP showed me a name card that she recently received:

Founding President
International Society of Pruritis Ani

I literally scratched my head and asked, "Who's this guy? I've never heard of him."

"Of course not. It's too remote from us - he just got his fellowship earlier this year."

"Alas, that's a vivid example of title inflation. I suppose he is leaving Hospital Authority for private practice soon?"

My friend smiled and nodded.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Let the numbers speak:
  • 12 directors
  • 15 advisors
  • 17 workers on public access
  • 10 project leaders
  • 9 active projects
  • 25 vacancies for potential applicants

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


"If young people could learn everything from the Internet, why should we spend so much on education?" Hebe asked.

"My friend, education - or I should say our education system - is not meant for educating the younger generation. Look at their content and curriculum and it's pretty obvious. From the social or governmental point of view, however, education serves two important purposes."


"First, when education is free and easily available, the younger generation would spend longer in the unversity. Since old people do not retire and job vacancies are vanishing, education is an excellent strategy to bring down the unemployment rate."

Hebe nodded - she could not agree more. Her friend went on.

"And educaiton is a convenient way of brainwashing. You learn something when you are a kid and you will be convinced that it is correct - religion, patriotism, universal value, and what not. Whatever you teach a kid, it gets imprinted in their mind and won't get challenged for the rest of their life. If you give the same message to all children, they would become cohesive and believe there is some core value of their country..."

Hebe could not help shivering.

Monday, October 3, 2016


"There are several reasons," Athena explained, "First, the young people have nowadays the ever worsening difficulty to earn a living and secure a position in the society. With the advances in machines and technology, jobs that depends on physical strength are vanishing. The young people lose their edge over more senior colleagues. Obviously, neither could compete with a machine in this regard."

Hebe nodded, and her friend went on.

"On the other hand, exactly because of the advances in technology, the older people also lose their edge over younger ones. One hundred years ago, experience was valuable, and therefore senior people in many professions earned more. In those days, if a young person wanted to master a technique, he needed to be taught by an experienced person in that field. Nowadays, you can learn everything from the Internet and Youtube - and everyone could easily check whether the teaching by their senior is correct. The result is simple: Young people begin to look down upon older ones."

Sunday, October 2, 2016


"My friend, the water is deeper than what you see." Athena said.


"Since there is no disease and everyone lives practically forever, there is no hope in this world."

"Do you mean Since there is always a tomorrow, we do not treasure today ?"

"Partly. For the old people, they would be bored to death - or I should say bored to hell - if they do not hold on to their job and social title. Unfortunately, Hebe, that's what we are now doing."

"I see what you mean. Since we are the majority in the society and we have the resource and connection, we dominate the government. A healthy and prospering society is not our priority. We make policies in favour of our own selves."

"Very true. As to the young people, they have every reason to join a rebellion."

"Why?" Hebe asked.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Reluctantly Hebe nodded.

"You are all for this idea, aren't you?" Athena asked.

"Yes. Of course. Certainly. Definitely. Absolutely... Oh, I mean, I should. After all, we do not age nowadays. Even though I was born a century ago, my body is as young as a 30-year-old. On one hand the society is not making the best use of our ability and experience if we are forced to retire at 60 or 65. Moreover, we nonagenarians would be bored to death if we have nothing to do!"

"In that case why are you puzzled?"

"Because if we refuse to retire and stay in our position, the future of our next generation is gloomy. Take our Queen Elizabeth as an example. She is doing so well that Prince Charles, her heir apparent, seems to have no chance of becoming the King. When the Prince was 30 years old, he had a high hope of taking over the crown one day. When he was 70, alas, he came to realize he was nothing but a piece of furniture sitting next to the Queen."

"I see your point. But, can't we work out a system so that people of all age could live in harmony?"

Friday, September 30, 2016


Hebe, like most of the others in her days, could not find a place to take care of her mother, who passed away - or we should say faded away some time after her 100th birthday.

Time flies. Hebe herself is expecting her 80th birthday tomorrow. But, unlikely her mother, she does not become old. Quite the opposite. Thanks to the effort and donation of Maxima, Hebe is more energetic than ever. She pursued a career of politics after retiring as a school teacher, and became a backbencher last year. Today she is going to speak in the parliament.

It is about the proposal that the age of retirement should be deferred to 80, and she feels slightly uncertain which side to take. As always, she decides to have a drink in the Strangers' Bar so as to arrange her ideas.

Well, it is never easy to get a moment of peace in the Palace of Westminster. As soon as Hebe takes her first sip of whisky soda, she finds Athena sitting down next to her.

"You look puzzled. Is it about the age of retirement business?" The goddess of wisdom asks.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


(The conversation in front of the elderly home continued.)

"Why should we blame them? The intention of the internet entrepreneur and his wife was very good to begin with," Hebe said, "And they were unexpectedly successful..."

"Very true. As a result of their good work - or really their generous donations - all diseases are eradicated. We end up having everyone to live for a hundred years and die of senility!"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Madam, it is a fantastic happening as long as their family and the society do not have to take care of them. At this moment, one third of our population is over the age of 65, nursing home attendent is the top career amongst the working class, and one third of the government expenditure is used for the care of old people. To put it simply, the society has become a gigantic elderly home. And, madam, that's why we have no vacancy for your mother - the demand is so high!"

"I see. Sir, don't be disappointed with Mark and Priscilla, and there is always hope," Hebe said, "I just learn from the news that Maxima, their daughter, has set up another fund to eradicate aging in the coming 50 years..."

"You call that hope?" The elderly home owner said incredulously.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Hebe feels hopeless.

She is standing in front of a small white building. An elderly home to be exact. This is the seventh one of the same kind that she visited in the past two days. None of the previous six gave her good news.

"Well, that's life," she says to herself, takes a deep breath, and presses on the doorbell.

In no time the heavy door opens a little - just enough for one eye of whoever behind the door to peep out.

"Madam, what's the matter?" The whoever says with a skeptical voice.

"Good afternoon. My name is Hebe. I'm looking for an elderly home vacancy to accommodate my mother. She is 85 and a bit frail, but has absolutely no disease to worry about..."

"No place. No place for anyone!" The skeptical voice turns agitated, "And, nowadays, who on earth has any disease? That's exactly why all elderly homes on earth are runny out of vacancy. Should we thank Mark and Priscilla?"

Tuesday, September 27, 2016









Monday, September 26, 2016










PS. As to the favourite drink of Mr Warren Buffett, it is well described in most financial magazines. You may also want to refer to Snowball.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


"Alas - then what is yours?" I pressed on.

"My consideration is simple," L explained, "Take the medical profession as an example. Even though one may be working in a field that he is interested in, it is rather unlikely that he would love each and every aspect of the field."

"What do you mean?"

"Say, if you are inspired by the renowned professor of that green medical school and become a gastroenterologist and love the subject very much, it remains most probable that you may not like the entire subject. People who like lumenal disease often find metabolic liver disease boring. People who prefer to read up nucleoside analogs probably do not enjoy handling endoscopy. A brilliant clinician may be mad when being called in the middle of the night to treat a patient with massive hematemesis..."

"I see what you mean: An amateur can focus on the aspect that he feels interest in and forget about the rest. As a genuine gastroenterologist, however, one must perform up to the standard even in aspects that he finds repugnant."

Saturday, September 24, 2016


(My discussion with L continued.)

"My friend, there is a weakness in your argument." L said.

"And that is...?"

"It is obviously true that we often cannot choose our occupation, but, can't we alter what we love? If the circumstances make you a nephrologist rather than some position that you love - say, a neurosurgeon - wouldn't it be possible that you gradually change your mind, find the new subject interesting, and fall in love with it?"

"You may be right," I paused for a moment, "But, after reading Carol Dweck recently, I could say with confidence that not everyone could change their mind that easily. In fact, I suspect the ability to change one's own mind is inborn and fixed per se. A good many people are stuck with the unfortunate cul-de-sac that they have to endure an unbearable job."

My friend smile, "Absolutely. But that's not my point..."

Friday, September 23, 2016


After a moment of silence, L suddenly decided to change the topic, "My friend, do you love your job?"

"What a question!" I laughed, "It's my job - that's all. True, there are gratifying moments, but I have enough hard times to compensate my reward. Why do you ask that?"

"Alas, I am just inspired recently by the head of a green medical school. He loves his job so much!"

"I must say that's a blessing. Many a time we cannot really choose our occupation - and, in general, we cannot alter what we love. Therefore, it is really a happy coincidence to have the two matched."

"You may be right, and, for those who try their very best for a job that they don't really like, a famous saying just flashes through my mind."


"An amateur performs well on what he likes; a professional also performs well on what he doesn't like."

"Should I thank you for the compliment?" I could not stop smiling.

PS. The original quote should be: An amateur learns what he likes; a professional also learns what he doesn't like.

Thursday, September 22, 2016



平心而論,蔡先生的口味殊不從眾,對菜式的評論也間或偏頗。但他的文章卻極具娛樂性,遇上不頰意的食肆 ,除了秉筆直書外,嘻笑怒駡有之,明褒暗貶有之,更甚是有時或怯於對方由有勢力人士撑腰,便不得已欲言又止,於留白處陽秋。一般人看了不知就裡,以為按圖索驥,便不免大失所望。然而心思複雜者,細嚼良久,豁然有悟,自當忍俊不禁。


Wednesday, September 21, 2016



Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Recently read: Carol Dweck 《Mindset》

Another book that tries to explain everything by a simple idea.

Monday, September 19, 2016



